Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
Welcome to **"Intuitive Mentor Mom,"** the podcast that invites you to look at life through a new lens! Join me as we explore the idea that life is happening for us, not to us, transforming those frustrating “Why me?” moments into enlightening “Ah, so that’s why!” revelations. Through my personal journey as well as others who join me on the show, we'll share insights on shifting perspectives and embracing growth as we navigate the beautiful tapestry of life together. Whether we're delving into relationships, tackling cosmic questions, or unraveling career and parenting challenges, each episode will inspire you to uncover fresh perspectives and recognize that every twist and turn is guiding you toward the best version of yourself. So, grab your favorite coffee or tea or hot toddy, get comfy, and let’s embark on this exciting self-discovery and adventure! Tune in and let’s uncover the magic of life’s challenges together!
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Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
19: 2025 Reset | Harnessing Gratitude & Intention | Here’s what’s Next for 2025
What if you could harness the power of gratitude and intention to transform your life as a mom, single mom, midlife mom; wherever you fall in the spectrum of mom? Step into 2025 with a fresh perspective as we explore strategies for empowerment and clarity that go beyond traditional New Year's resolutions. This episode of Intuitive Mentor Mom invites you to reflect on the past year's accomplishments and set powerful intentions that fuel personal growth in health, relationships, and spirituality. I'll share a heartwarming story about guiding my son in recognizing his achievements and introduce "Project 369" by David Kasneci as a tool to align with the universe and foster prosperity.
This week, I expand on the direction of our show and what type of topics we'll be discussing on our journey of self-discovery in 2025. Exciting conversations on topics like open marriages and transformative life changes; an inspiring story of a friend who's "family move/ adventure" to Costa Rica did a 180 on their life; Gene Keys, Human Design and more. These are just some of the topics to come in 2025. Intuitive mentoring remains at the core of my mission, and recent coaching session on episode 17, revealed insights into overcoming family and karmic ties. As we emphasize the importance of self-care and maintaining a joyful outlook on life, I encourage you to remain engaged in our growing community. Together, we'll keep life's healing adventure vibrant and alive as we look forward to our next gathering, where new thought-provoking discussions await. Cheers to 2025!! lets make it a great one!!
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Welcome back to the intuitive mentor mom podcast, where we explore strategies for growing confidence, empowerment and gaining clarity for midlife moms. When life is happening for you and not to you, you can be living the life of freedom, fun and bliss. I'm your host, tara Michelle. Let's get to it. Welcome back, I am so excited to be with you yet again. Happy new year, happy 2025. Can you believe the year 2025? You know, I'm blown away. I'm blown away that we're here in 2025.
Speaker 1:Last year was quite the year, was it not? It was a bit of a whirlwind. It went very fast. You know, I feel like I was just at New Year's last year and here we are already a new year, but I wanted to find out.
Speaker 1:This is going to be a short and sweet episode. I'm going to just talk about a little bit of a recap of last year and what we will be heading into for this year, for the show year, and what we will be heading into for this year for the show, and I want to thank all of you again for supporting this show. For those of you that did tune into the last couple episodes, we talked about gratitude. We also talked about completing our 2024, creating the 2025. I'm curious who actually took the time and did that? It's such an important ritual for me to do that. I've been doing it for several years now. I have found it to be very powerful. What I have left to do is just a collage what I created. That's what's next. So hopefully this weekend or next weekend I'll take some time and actually collage my 2025.
Speaker 1:But on the last episode, we talked about the various things that you could do around completing your year and, as I mentioned, I found I came across. I came across an old piece of paper that had I believe it was 2018 that I had created or 2019. Had I believe it was 2018 that I had created or 2019. And what was wild where there's where was some pretty big things on that list that I have accomplished, and there were a few things on the list that I still hadn't done. That's okay, I'll look at, you know, adding them. I haven't even looked at it because I went ahead and created my 2025 a little differently this year, but that's the beauty of it. You know, I'm not a firm believer in resolutions. I feel the context around resolutions is really a negative context to where there's something, there's something about failure in there and then you just don't feel good about it. But I really do believe that it's a. It's a time for completing what you accomplished. When you take a look at what did I accomplish over the last year and then really write down what is it I want to accomplish for this coming year.
Speaker 1:You could accomplish things in ways of being. You could accomplish things with your health, with your spirituality, with finances, with your career, with family relationships, or maybe it's romantic relationships, maybe it's hobbies, maybe it's being in nature more, maybe you know things you want to create with your pets, travel. The idea is endless of what you can create, right? Maybe you just want to have more time to yourself, maybe you want to have more quiet time, more downtime, and create whatever it is you desire. But it's a really important ritual to take that time. I will say this real quick.
Speaker 1:I asked my son. I was like hey, you know, what did you accomplish last year? And, of course, the first answer was I don't know. I was like, well, let's take a look. And we looked at all the things he accomplished. I mean, he was, for the first time ever, an exchange student. For the first time ever, we housed and hosted exchange students. You know he played sports, certain sports he'd never played before accomplished. He explored new territory within just who he is as a person and a human being and when he started looking at that, he was like, wow, I actually did a lot of things last year.
Speaker 1:It's like, yeah, and we forget. Like we forget because we don't take the time to stop and think who have I been being? What have I accomplished? Where would I like to go with my life? So that's really what those last couple episodes were about.
Speaker 1:Also, gratitude, you know, if there's any way you want to get yourself out of a funk or any way you want to bring more abundance into your life, it really is about being in that space of gratitude and really owning what that looks like for you. And looking around your world, you know, from material items to people in your lives, to things that you've received, you know just anything like what really can you be grateful for? You can be grateful for your health, people in your life. You know things you have, whatever it is, people in your life, things you have, whatever it is. It's staying in that space of the beauty of life and being grateful for it and all that we have all of how life supports you, the people that you have around you. It's a beautiful place and it's a beautiful time and, yes, we can very much get caught up in the noise that is happening on the news. You very much can get caught up in that if that's what you want. But I encourage all of you this is a new year Unplug from the noise and begin to really create what it is you want to create.
Speaker 1:So I took the time, I did some work, I did some creating. I will tell you another tool that I love. I can't remember. I think I mentioned it on my last episode Project 369. It's a book. You can find it on Amazon Project 369, the keys to prosperity, but they also have Working with the Universe. His name, the author's name, is David Casnesi, and that's spelled K, as in Kellogg, a-s-n. As in Nancy, e-c-i Casnesi. And this book was gifted to me last Christmas, in 2023, by a dear friend of mine, and I used that book ritually throughout the year and I'll tell you what I manifested some amazing things and I'm using it again this year. I bought two of them. I bought the prosperity one and just the day-to-day one, and I'm loving it already.
Speaker 1:It's a great way to plan out your year, to really explore what it is you want to create and to get in those states of positive energetic mindset and mind flow to really pull in and bring in that which you're ready and wanting to create. Because, you know, a few episodes back I talked about how you know you really are the creator and the architect of your life. Plain and simple. You just are. It's just. It's coming out more and more every day through science, quantum physics. You know there's heart math, the heart math institution. There's Bruce Lipton, there's I mean, there's so many people, so many people. You can read books and things. There's so much science behind who we are as the creators of our life. And so I invite you all to dive in this year and really take charge and take hold of your life.
Speaker 1:Take back your power. Take back your power from the noise. Unplug from the noise, plug into your heart. Increase your frequency, raise your vibration. Go to more comedy clubs, watch more comedic relief. You know, if you're going to plug into something, plug into something funny. You know, spend more time in nature. Spend more time with yourself. Okay, if you spend a lot of time with yourself, go spend more time with people. You spend a lot of time with people. Come back to yourself, go spend more time with people. You spend a lot of time with people. Come back to yourself, do the things that feel good and fuel your soul. Okay, so I want to just say that you know this is the time. Take the time out, create your 2025.
Speaker 1:What is it that you want to create for this year? And then you know, start putting putting things into action this year. For myself, I really want to focus on investments. I want to focus on a plan really around my retirement and what that looks like from the corporate space. I want to focus on investments. I want to focus on my son and myself and what we're creating together. Those are just some of the things that I'm really taking a look at this year, and I've got things mapped out and planned out and I'm excited. I'm excited for what's possible, I'm excited for what's next and I'm excited for what I'm about to create. Now, I did want to share with you also what this show is going to look like this year. So you know, I was working with a mentor last year on the podcast and initially my podcast was called Healing Adventures, because it was aligned with.
Speaker 1:You know, my belief system around life is happening for us. It's not happening to us, and who do we get to be in the face of life happening for us? You're the designer, you're the creator. You're either going to be victim to your life or you're going to be the hero of your life. Okay, so you could be, you could be at the effect of your life or you could create your life.
Speaker 1:And, as you meant, as I mentioned in another episode, I should have my episodes in front of me. So I know what the heck episode to tell you to go back to. That's one thing that maybe I should be doing. But there was an episode where I talked about being on the court of life, because I see life as a basketball game. I see it as, like you know, you can be up to. I'm sorry, I'm trying to. I'm actually trying to get over to this. So playing on the court of life actually was episode 15. And how I see life is like this basketball game, and you could either be playing full court press or you're sitting on the sidelines, right? So I was working with a mentor we were talking about. You know how I see life as life is happening for us. I see life as a healing adventure. That's just how I see it and that really resonates with me.
Speaker 1:But when working on this podcast, we started talking about you know what has my podcast? Get out there and make it marketable and have it be more accessible for people to find. That's when we came up with the with the name intuitive mentor mom, and my idea was that I was focusing on, you know, single women, because I'm a single mama and I believe in supporting a single women out there single moms and but I really get that a lot of what I talk about it can be for anybody. So I'm going to continue being the intuitive mentor mom Because, as many of you know, I have, I have many intuitive gifts and I'm happy to work with people.
Speaker 1:I love working with people and, as a matter of fact, my most recent episode, which was episode 17, where we were overcoming family and karmic ties, I did a coaching session with a wonderful woman by the name of Nina, and I have a few other coaching sessions that I will be also sharing throughout this year, but one of the things I love to do is I love having people on here for just conversations, whether it be an interview, I don't know what you want. I don't really like calling it an interview because it's more conversation. But we're going to have more of that on this show this year, because that's what lights me up and I want to bring you juicy topics. I want to bring you hot topics. I want to bring you life is happening for you topics, and I do hope that what I share on this show does empower, motivate and activate the truth within you. That is what I believe, and so I hope that you continue to stay tuned. I'm really excited to be with all of you, some of the shows coming up.
Speaker 1:As a matter of fact, I did a really awesome interview today with a couple on open marriage. Open marriage is a hot topic. As a single woman, I've been on the dating scene for a very long time and I find even that's going to be a topic of discussion. I have a couple of friends who are going to come on here and we're going to talk about dating because it's it's a real. It's real life, juicy conversations about how life is happening for us in these various avenues. Open marriage is a big thing. It's it's a taboo conversation, but it's also a hot topic conversation, so that's going to be coming up here pretty soon. Also, we're going to be talking about Jean Keys. If anybody's familiar with Jean Keys and a dear friend of mine who I interviewed years ago and she was leaving the 3D world going on vacation over to Costa Rica Well, her life has dramatically transformed and changed like a huge 180. And so she will be coming on the show too and we'll be talking more about that and what that journey has looked like and the types of changes that have come down the pipe and how it really opened her to what she's doing today. We're also going to be talking about human design. I think human design is fascinating. If any of you are familiar with human design, it's such a cool conversation and a cool topic and so much more. So I just wanted to leave you with that short and sweet podcast today, wishing all of you a truly blessed 2025.
Speaker 1:Do not let the noise get you down. Keep your spirits high. Take your supplements. Take your D, watch your health, okay, take care of you. Get your rest. Drink your water. Keep your vitamins and minerals. If you're not taking minerals, by all means get a good trace mineral and start taking it. Boost and amplify your immune system. It is going to be incredibly important this year. Do it, don't waste time and take time for you. Make you important, make your children important, make your friends and family important, bring joy and laughter into your life. That is what this year is about. It's about creation. Do not get stopped by the noise. Get out of it. Create your life, have fun, live your life. Don't live in fear, just don't.
Speaker 1:And I plan to bring on some other people. I have to talk with some of them, but I hope to make before I announce it here. I need to make sure I get those all lined up, but I'm just really excited for this year because it really is about bringing with some of them. But I hope to make before I announce it here. I need to make sure I get those all lined up, but I'm just really excited for this year because it really is about bringing you. You know, some interesting topics, juicy conversations, things that light me up, and I hope that whatever you hear, it inspires, motivates and activates you to live your brightest, biggest, boldest life possible. All right, so until our next episode, as I shared, open marriages is what we will be talking about next Super excited to bring my guests on and we're going to talk about how that has opened and shifted their world. And you know really what was the journey up to that, where did it take them and where are they on the journey and the path right now. So that's what's next.
Speaker 1:Stay tuned for the next episode, which is two weeks from today, 7 am on Sundays. I love all of you. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for joining me and being with me on this journey, and I'll see you on the next episode. Have a great day. Thank you for coming on this healing adventure today. If you're starting to see how everything is falling into place for you, consider rating the show and sharing it with one of your friends. Keep that spirit alive and join me next week. Same place, same time. Have a great week.