Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms

14: Playing on the Court of Life: 7 Self Care Habits to Overcome Overwhelm and Stress

Tara Mychelle Episode 14

Ever faced a mountain of tasks that leave you feeling overwhelmed? I’ve found that taking time off to tackle those lingering chores like returning items to Amazon or scheduling overdue appointments can work wonders in reducing stress. I delve into my background in past life regression and quantum healing, offering visualization techniques that have helped me release emotional burdens and renew my energy. These 7 self-care practices are not just about surviving but thriving as a busy mom and a professional.

Balancing the demands of being a single mom and a corporate professional during turbulent times has been no easy journey for me, Tara Mychele. From navigating the stress of workplace layoffs to the constant juggle of parenting and career, I share personal stories that many of you might find all too familiar.

Inspired by legendary coach Phil Jackson's approach to managing high-profile teams, I explore how adopting self-care rituals can elevate your life. From meditation and therapy to the power of movement through dancing and exercise, I highlight 7 key practices to keep our frequencies high and our spirits grounded. Join me as we uncover the "juicy nuggets" of life, sharing the blessings and staying present in this healing adventure. Let’s keep this positive energy flowing—tune in, share with friends, and let's grow together.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the intuitive mentor mom podcast, where we explore strategies for practicing more self-love, gratitude and finding new ways to empower ourselves in this ever-changing healing adventure of life happening for us. I'm your host, tara Michelle. Let's get started. Welcome back to Intuitive Mentor Mom Podcast. I'm excited to be with you guys this week. Oh, my goodness, for those of you newly listening, my name is Tara Michelle.

Speaker 1:

I am an intuitive, I am an empath, I am a single mom. I am also I work in corporate America. So I do a lot of things and one of my passions is to share, share aspects of my life, things that I move through, and really just to share with you how I move through various times in my life, whether they be challenging, whether they be heroic, whether they be mundane, whatever it is. I share how I move through life because I really believe that we are all here to support one another and I feel that life is happening for us. It's not happening to us, it's happening for us. And who are we going to be in this situation? Who are we going to be in this circumstance? And the context of this show is really about that, and I share from aspects of my life A lot of times I'll be talking about, whether it's romantic relationships, whether it's career, whether it's parenting, whether it's just self care, self help with myself, and how do I navigate all that, in hopes that something along the way that I share will hopefully inspire, motivate and activate you in whatever you're up to, whatever your truth is, whatever you may be challenged with, whatever stops or blocks, you may be feeling that something that I share inspires you, shifts a perspective and allows you to, you know, expand to the next level of your life. So, with that said, the last episode I was talking about overwhelm, okay, and I I personally, have been, I have been grappling deeply in a state of overwhelm, and some of the things that I talked about doing in the last episode was really, you know, making a list.

Speaker 1:

Those are things that I do. I have to make a list, I have to get everything that's in my head, out of my head and onto paper, because what ends up happening is it's like, you know, appointments for the pets, appointments for our, you know, for myself, you know the school schedule, the football schedule, everything, the schedule for work, all the things I have to do at work. It aisles up, not to mention cleaning the house, managing a household, managing a territory for my career, managing the animals, managing everything my son's education, the support and help that he may need. Holidays are coming up, so all these things and, as I shared in the last episode, I'm moving through a tough time at work. Work is really challenging right now and, funny enough, we just had a layoff so they laid off several people this week. I am beyond grateful that my name was not on that list, because that would really send me in a tailspin. That would be two layoffs this year and that would be really hard. But that doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. It doesn't mean that it's not possible. So I am grateful for this moment in time right now. But it adds to this level of stress.

Speaker 1:

As a single parent and I'm speaking to all parents out there, speaking to all moms out there I think that being a mom, being a parent no matter whether you're single or you have a partner or you have a lot of support from family it's still a very stressful, daunting. You know it can be a challenging task. It's a challenging task to do what we do. So you know, like I said, there was, there was a layoff this week and very shocking, like none of us I definitely was not expecting that, not at all, like none of us. I definitely was not expecting that, not at all and really feel for my colleagues and I've been doing all that I could to support them sending them, you know, recruiter leads and reaching out to recruiters to talk with them and, you know, hopefully, supporting them in what's next for them on this journey. But what I went ahead and did and I went back to episode one if some of you remember episode one, where I talked about being in the gap and I talked about the experience I used, was when I went through the layoff earlier this year and I chose to go back and listen to that, which was great. I was like what is it that I said? What were the things that I really talked about? Was there anything that I might have missed that I'm missing right now Because I'm in a stressful, tough time at work, faced with all the challenges that we're facing. I think the industry itself is facing numerous challenges. The economy is facing challenges. We're on an election year. There's a lot going on at this time. It's a very trying time. So today's episode that I'd like to focus on is self-care in the state of overwhelm Okay. Is self-care in the state of overwhelm okay? I will admit I am still in a state of overwhelm I am.

Speaker 1:

I did take on creating my list. I did take on taking a few days off and really getting my house in order as much as I could and really tackling this to-do list of little tedious things, like things I haven't taken back to go back to Amazon, or, you know, phone calls I hadn't made or appointments I hadn't made, or emails I hadn't checked on in order to make appointments, and you know things like the parent-teacher conference day. You know getting caught up on newsletters for my son's school and making sure that all these things, these little tiny things that I have to manage on a day-to-day basis, that I sometimes will just skip because it's like you know what I got too much on my plate. I can't even look at that right now. I'll look at it when it comes time. Making sure that I got through a lot of those, and taking that time off for myself was huge. Taking that time off for myself was huge I wanna talk about today.

Speaker 1:

I made a list of things that I do for self-care and it actually ended up being seven things, seven things that are most important when managing your self-care. Because, really, as a single mom, as a single parent, as a mom, as a mom let's just say mom, mom, in order for mom to be really present for her kids, in order for mom to bring her fullest self to her partner, to her children, to her work, her colleagues, her friends, her family, her work, her colleagues, her friends, her family the most important thing is making sure your cups are full. You have to make sure your cups are full, and what that looks like is self-care. But are you really clear what your self-care needs are? You know, one of them is, for me, is drinking lots of water. Okay, that's a self-care that's filling my cup. It's actually not on my list, but it's one of those things, cause I'm staring at my giant water bottle right now in front of me. But I wanted to share some of the things that are very important and very crucial that I do in states and times of overwhelm, and I will tell you right now.

Speaker 1:

I did it today because today I woke up. I was not feeling it. I literally woke up with the visual of a giant stake, like a massive wooden stake, plunged through my chest and I was pinned to the ground, plunged through my chest and I was pinned to the ground. That is what I woke up in today. That is how I felt. I felt heavy, I felt emotional, I felt sad, I felt stuck. I felt that it was an endless stuckness, that there was no way out. No way out, I'm trapped. I felt trapped, okay, when I saw that I was swirling in those feelings, sitting on my bed this morning. I'd already made my coffee and I'd already fed the dogs, but I was sitting in that energy and I was sitting in that energy and I thought to myself what is it really that I'm feeling? And that's when I saw the visual, the visual of this massive stake and let's say it's medieval times. That's what it felt like.

Speaker 1:

So there may be an aspect that this was a past life experience that I was tuning into, because there may be people in my current life, right now, involved in that past life experience, which is wild and, by the way, if you don't know and, by the way, if you don't know, I'm certified in past life regression, quantum healing, hypnosis therapy, and I used to do why? That time in my life, that season when I was doing lots of sessions with people was for me to really understand the craft so that I could bring it into the work that I do now. So I incorporate that when I work with people individually and I'm able to tune in and see past life energies. And I'm able to tune in and see past life energies and I'm able to tune in and see how there's connections for you, and I don't necessarily need to drop you into some hypnosis state. But I think that there was a practice and there was some tuning that was occurring for me at the time when I was doing a lot of those sessions. And now I have the ability to see past lives. I could just see them, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so there I was this morning and I was really tuning in, like, okay, I got to get myself out of this funk, like I'm in a funk, and I was feeling as if the world around me, I was feeling trapped that's the best word Immobilized, in a state of complete dysfunction, robotic, numb, detached, empty. I'm sharing these words because that is me tuning into the energy of what I was feeling in those moments and I'm going to tell you as a human being with the biggest heart and so much empathy for humanity and for myself and for people that made me so sad to see that. I felt that deep, that deep. And so that is when I saw this massive stake through my body and I was pinned to the ground dead. And so I was like, oh okay, but I can remove that. I can remove that right now, that I can remove that right now. And so I took my hand literally and I put it around that stake and I pulled it out and I sent it back to God and I asked God to release me from that timeline and release me from that moment and release me from that stake.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter who it is that put it in me. It has something to do with work. I'm very clear about that. It doesn't matter which of the individuals it is, it just doesn't matter. It might just be the pure energy of the company. I do see that there are people there, but it doesn't matter. It's not about that. It's about who will I be in the state of overwhelm when I recognize that I'm immobilized? How will I get myself out? So that was one of the actions I took this morning, and then I continued on with my day and I said keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's going to get lighter, it's going to get easier. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's going to get lighter, it's going to get easier. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and I did.

Speaker 1:

I got to the point to where I could, you know, got my son to school, had a phone call with a friend, shared with her, like, oh, this is where I'm at today and really just putting it out, getting it out of my head, and then, also, knowing I had to do a recording today, I had to do this podcast today because I have a deadline, I have a commitment to you and I have a commitment to myself, and my commitment to you is that I said every other week I would post a podcast and I would share and I would put myself out there, and I really didn't want to. I really didn't know what it was going to look like today. This is what it looks like today. And I would put myself out there and I really didn't want to. I really didn't know what it was going to look like today. This is what it looks like today. And I knew that I wanted to talk about self-care Because, as I talked about the court of life and being on the court and how I see it as this basketball game, what's funny is when I started thinking of self-care and if you didn't listen to the last episode, do it's great, because I talk about overwhelm. But I talk about how I see life as this basketball game and I'm one of the star players. I'm on the court and it's full court, full court press. We are playing hard. You know those basketball games where it's back and forth and back and forth and up and down the court and it is like a high scoring game and it's going. I feel like life is like that right now. Okay, and when I posted that video, I knew that this week was going to be about self-care and Phil Jackson came to my mind.

Speaker 1:

If you're not familiar with who Phil Jackson was, he is the former coach of the Chicago Bulls, who then also went to coach the Los Angeles Lakers, and he was one. And back then I used to watch a ton of basketball. I don't watch any basketball now. I know nobody. I have no idea who's playing what with who or where. I have no idea who's doing. Well, I will say the Warriors were my team back then. I loved the Chicago Bulls back. Well, I will say the Warriors were my team back then. I loved the Chicago Bulls back then. I loved the Lakers. Sean Kemp was one of my favorite players, scotty Pippen this is a long ass time ago and Kobe was up and coming at that time and Shaquille O'Neal was up and coming and of course we had Michael. I was going to say Michael Jackson, michael Jordan Might as well be the same Michael Jackson, michael Jordan. You got. Michael Jackson is, you know, the God of music and Michael Jordan the God of, you know, basketball and sports? Well, basketball at least. But anyhow, get it back on topic here. Anyhow, get it back on topic here.

Speaker 1:

So I started thinking of Phil Jackson and if any of you know his story I don't know his full story, but what I do know and I just started listening to some of his books because I was like you know, he's popping in my mind why is that? What I didn't know about him is his love of basketball and his love of spirituality and how he knew that somehow those two things played a part in one another. What I also didn't fully know, I knew that there was a time where he brought meditation and he brought books you know the reading of books to the team. But what I didn't know, and also I do know, when he implemented those things with the Lakers, it totally transformed the way they played. It transformed them as a team, but it transformed their level of success. It became a whole different level of success. Because if any of you guys followed basketball way back then, if any of you remember back in that time, him, phil Jackson and Kobe Bryant would butt heads as coach and player.

Speaker 1:

And what I didn't know is that Phil Jackson decided to hire a therapist that specialized in narcissism because he wanted to better understand his team, because he had a team full of big players. He had Shaquille O'Neal, he had Carl Malone, he had Greg Payton, he had Kobe Bryant. He had all these big names, big egos. Whether ego good or bad doesn't matter. These are big energies, right, big, successful, competitive, fired up energies and he wanted to better understand how to work with them so that they could win. That was a form of self-care.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to draw this back to when I say the court of life and I see it as a basketball game. And there was a coach and you're the coach. You're the coach of your team. You're the coach of your life. You're the coach of your game. You're the star player in your game. You got to be all those things in your game because, on the court of life, this is your game. As the coach, he took it upon himself for self-care, self-nurturing, self-care, self-nurturing. He brought therapy, meditation and books to the team and he knew, if he could somehow bring that spiritual aspect into the game and to merge those two, that there would be this whole new experience and expansion of his team. And he succeeded. I think he's got a book called 11 Rings or something, because the guy's got 11 rings right. They won championship after championship after championship. Right Back to self-care.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about the seven things that I do and that I took on. Well, I didn't do all of them today, but I did some of them to raise my frequency, to remind myself who I am, to embrace the fact that, yes, I am managing an overwhelming task of things, this being one of them, my podcast, and I'm committed to this because it is a platform for me to really speak my truth, to be my truth and to have access to my purpose. And my purpose here is to share is to share my journey, because there might be someone out there today that really needs to hear what I have to say. There might be someone out there listening you. You may be listening, really needing some form of support, knowing you're not alone, some form of inspiration or a perspective shift, just hearing something newly or different to align you to what's next for you. I know that that is part of my purpose and my mission here is to share my story.

Speaker 1:

So today I was weepy, I was sad, I was sullen, I felt empty and I had all these thoughts running through my mind. How much longer, god, I can't go yet. God, I have a boy to raise, boy to raise. Sometimes I want out of this game. Why did I create it to be so big? Why is the game hard? Where's my partner, god? Why does it look the way it does? Why did I end up at a company that looks the way it does? What's happening today, god? That's my brain.

Speaker 1:

Okay, those are things that are running through my mind and as I choose to then sit on my bed with my hand on my heart, one of the number one things I do is meditate and recenter. So if you haven't tried that on? In the state of overwhelm or any state that you're in, just, even if you're in a great positive state of life, you're in a positive season of life Meditate, call back to center, put your hand on your heart and take a few quiet, deep breaths and just be in your body. Be in your body, no thought, and if you see a thought, let it go and just be in your body. That moment of recenter is required for me on a daily basis to balance my nervous system, to quiet my mind, to center me, to ground me back into this moment. If you already do that, I think that's great. If you didn't realize that, that's a form of self-care for you, recognize it and embrace it and take it in more, because it's so vital and so important recenter your heart, recenter your mind.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I forgot about that Phil Jackson would do, which is so cool, is if they had a losing streak, they would burn sage. Now, whether they're burning it for the gym or themselves, they would burn sage to break the cycle of the energy. That's amazing. So what did I do today? I burned a bunch of sage. I turned on music Okay. So number two I burned sage. Okay, that's number two.

Speaker 1:

When I clean my house. I just haven't been cleaning it as much as I used to because I've been so busy and caught up in my overwhelm. But I would burn Palo Santo or sage my favorite things to do and I know it clears the energy, it clears the mental blocks, it clears the constructs of the matrix, like let's break it down and create new energy. So that's a form of self-care for me. It's cleansing my space, cleansing the energies, breaking down all that stagnant energy. And I know my ex used to get so upset He'd be like you've been burning that stuff again. I can smell it. You know he would come home from work because I had burned it all over the place. And often too, when I was doing hypnosis sessions with people, I would clear the house and burn it and clear the house out. After every session I would smudge the space. So that is another thing that I do for self-care.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I do for self-care that is so important and it really helped my state of overwhelm today is you move your body. Move your body, whether that's walking, whether that's working out, whether that's dancing. Working out and walking is a big one. That is a big one where I like to clear my mind, clear my space, clear my head. Working out is great because I get the endorphins going and especially I like to do my workouts. I have a gym set up like a little gym set up somewhat. It's funny because if you saw my gym in my garage you'd be like that's your gym. I'd say yes, it is. My setup in my garage is it's small but I love it because it's in the heat. So I work out in the heat and I love that because not only am I like pumping irons and doing my thing, but I'm sweating like a crazy person and I love that because I'm sweating out the toxins and I'm really moving that energy through my body and getting it out, and so it's important.

Speaker 1:

Movement for me is a form of self-care and when I'm really feeling in a funk and I start to move whether it's running, walking, preferably walking I don't run anymore, but walking and working out is huge. I just love it. I feel clear, I feel my frequency has raised, I feel lighter, I feel more directed, focused, I go into a zone. I go into a zone and it really is about strengthening my body and healing my body. And often when I work out, I will talk to my body and ask it to heal, to repair and to restore. So that's another thing that I do for self-care. I also do the big six. If you're not familiar with the big six lymphatic movement, I will try to find something to put the link down in the show notes of the big six lymphatic movement. I will try to find something to put the link down in the show notes of the big six.

Speaker 1:

It's a lymphatic drainage. What would you call that? I want to say it's a routine, but it's like it's a routine. Yeah, it's a routine, and you're moving the lymph in the various areas of your body, and so that's something I love to do as well, and I do that pretty much on the daily. In the morning, when I first wake up, I often this summer, I would go out and stand out back and put my feet on the earth and do it out there, out back, and I would let the dogs out in the rest of the property, back, and I would let the dogs out and the rest of the property and I would do it and I would be standing under the moon or whatever, or as the sun's coming up, or both. The sun's coming up while the moon's still sitting up there and moving that lymph and I will say that doing that on a regular basis has lifted my spirits. It has felt as if I have more energy. I feel like my sleeping patterns have gotten better. I feel like my elimination patterns are better and more frequent and stronger, like more.

Speaker 1:

What's the word Healthy? Yes, we're talking about healthy elimination, as in yes, number one and two. Those things are important to your health as well as your self-care. So that is really important to me and I find that if I don't do it a few days in a row, I will hear my mind say you need to do that, because it's as if you're keeping that. When you're keeping that lymph system moving and keeping it the channels clean. You want I just keep seeing the body in a state of movement. You want everything. The fluids are moving, they're traveling out and through. You want I just keep seeing the body in a state of movement. You want everything. The fluids are moving, they're traveling out and through. You don't want things getting clogged up, okay, because that clogs up your energy as well. So that's another thing that I do for self-care Meditation and prayer I talked about oh my gosh, baths.

Speaker 1:

I took a bath this week too. I usually will take three baths to four baths a week. Because it's summer I haven't taken that many because it's hot, so I'll take showers. But lately I've been getting in the bath and man can I tell you, my favorite thing to do with baths is salts. So either a Epsom salt, which is fine, but I like to get the scented Epsom salts with, like lavender infused oils or eucalyptus infused oils. If you have a Sprouts nearby, they sell those infused ones and they're amazing. They sell those infused ones and they're amazing. So I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love taking baths and I tend to be somebody who will sit in the bathtub for like an hour, sometimes an hour and a half, and the water's like cold. I don't care, I'm just enjoying. But the beauty is is that when you're sitting in the salts, you are neutralizing, cleansing and clearing any of those stuck energies that you may have picked up in your frequency field when you're out into the world. That is a way that I clear those energies. When I've been out in the world all day, especially if I've been working and talking to people all day, it's like I want to clear and neutralize those energies that are stuck inside of my energy field. That is one of the big things that I do for self-care and I want to reiterate that when I do these things I feel better, my spirits feel lifted, I feel good, I feel clear, I feel relaxed, I feel at peace. And why is this important? Because when you start feeling all those things, when you take the time out to do those things for yourself, your family gets to reap the rewards of that and the benefits of that Not only you, but your family, because you're less stressed, you're more at peace, you have more clarity and calm and you can just be in the space and the presence of them. So baths, big thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, here's something that is kind of fun that I love and I forget, I forget how important it is to my self-care. And I was reminded just recently because I went to a festival a couple weekends ago, the ACL Austin City Limits Music Festival, which is one of the largest festivals in the US and has been going on for many, many years. And it's a three-day, it's two weekends, three days. So it's two weekends of a Friday, saturday and Sunday. This last year I went to weekend two on Saturday and Sunday. I did not do all three days because it's oh man, to do all three days. It takes something. But I got two days in and I was amazed at how elated I was through the rest of the week and just feeling good and I forgot how important it is for me.

Speaker 1:

I forget that a part of my self-care is seeing live music. A part of my self-care is moving my body. But there's something about sharing live music with friends and being out with friends, whether you're getting cute for a festival or cute for a concert, and you're comfortable because you're going to dance and you know you're going to be dancing, and the music and the sound and just the libation, like the liberating experience of the music, the energy, the people, all of it that fills my cup. That, for me, is a form of self-care. And there were times when I would make myself wrong for the investments that I make going to concerts Because, as y'all know, concerts are no joke. They're not 30 and 40 bucks like they were back in when I was young. Okay, we used to go to festivals for like $45 and see seven bands. Now it's like, yeah, that's not happening. So it's an investment for me.

Speaker 1:

Those are things that are really important for me to feel good and to get through the next day and to continue being the strength and the purpose and the will that I need to be for myself and my son. As I've shared before, it's me doing all of it and my son is getting to an age where he's stepping up and he continues to step up and he continues to show who he is and he continues to help and do more. But I'm still mom. I'm still the one. I just thought of that song. I'm still the one. I just thought of that song Still the one. Okay, I won't get into that song, but we're just having fun and I'm still the one. Is that how the? Is that how the lyrics go? I don't remember, but that's a song from my childhood, so those are. Did I? I actually forgot to? I forgot to. Oh, I got two more on here, so the other two is that right? Yeah, oh, so okay, live music is one. Okay, I don't want to collapse this, but I'm going to Live music and dancing.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know that I said dancing in the movement portion and that's important. You know movement is important, but there's something about dancing. Okay, I have found that I dance after my workouts, when I work out in the gym, because I got music going and I'll start dancing in between either sets or after. I'll just dance for a while. I also decided today to dance, just dance, like, put on music, I put on my headset and put on some Duleepa and just rocked my little tush off before I, you know, sat down to record and wanted to really lift my energies again.

Speaker 1:

And then I decided to do some cleaning and cleaned up my office and vacuumed and did all the things, like the things that I know to remove clutter, remove dirt, remove stagnant energy. So some of the things I did for self-care today was I smudged the whole house, I vacuumed and dusted my whole office, I danced. I actually marked some things off of my to-do list today, but some of those things being incorporated into self-care and remembering that who I am is a magnificent being of God, who I am is a radiant soul that continues to do her work, that continues to put one foot in front of the other, that continues to do what is necessary to get out of my way but also to give myself the grace and the moments of time to just respect that. You know what I'm feeling sadness today. You know what I'm feeling.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, today I'm feeling all the feels and one of the most important things I do during those times is I get in communication. I think it's very important to get in communication. What I mean by getting in communication is call a friend. Call a friend who, you know, has the capability and the ability to listen from a nonjudgmental place and just hold space for you, not like you have to fix anything, but just really to hold space for you so that you can empty that basket of thought and emotion and feels and it just goes into a safe space, a safe container, and it's out of your head, out of your body. Those are things that I do when I'm in this state and I look forward to being on the other side of this state, to being on the other side of this state. But as I continue to walk this journey, I must do what's necessary for self-care, for self-care and for keeping myself motivated and in action. Oh, I forgot one more. I've only shared six.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that I do, and I schedule it every six weeks, is a massage, and there are times when I feel that I should probably not have this massage, you know, but it's worth it, it's, it's worth, it's worth the hundred dollars, it's it, it's worth the $100. My body feels so different and so released and so relaxed and so de-stressed when I walk off or walk out of the gal that I go to. I'm a regular with her. She's amazing and I always get excited knowing that I'm going to go there because I know exactly what she's going to do, I know exactly how it's going to feel and I know exactly how I'm going to feel afterwards. And it's amazing and it releases so much for me. You know, she does like a deep tissue Swedish massage style and I just love it and it's great, it's amazing and it is exactly what my body needs, you know, with all that I take on.

Speaker 1:

So let me just review the seven things. I'll recap them real quick Move your body number one, the big six. Number two, actually, meditate was the first one, right, so? But I'll get to meditate. So, moving your body, doing the big six, lymphatic massage, meditate and prayer so important, so important. I pray every day, multiple times throughout the day, and then I do try to touch base and meditate inside my body, with my body, inside my space, and when I say inside, like I really just pull it all in. I pull everything in and just be within myself on that.

Speaker 1:

Meditation, taking baths, huge Concerts, live music, huge Gotta have it. Dancing and massages. Those are some of the things that I do for self-care. There's other things I do too, but those are the big ones. Those are the big ones. So I encourage you, take time, take time out for you this week, today, after listening to this episode, what's something you will do for yourself? What's something you will do to fill your cup? Because I promise you, when your cups are full, you have energy.

Speaker 1:

Another thing for self-care oh my God, go to bed. Go to bed, get sleep. I've been practicing trying to get six to seven hours of sleep. My body pretty much typically only does five, so I'm really trying to push for that. Six and seven, but sleep is so crucial. Going to bed early oh my gosh right. I try to get in bed no later than 10. Sometimes I go way past 10 into 11, 1130, and that's not healthy for me. It doesn't work for me. My body doesn't like that. If I can do it by 10 or earlier, oh my God, my body's happy.

Speaker 1:

These are the little things that will make a difference in your world. These are the little things that will have you experience peak performance within yourself. However that may look, you feel like you have brain fog, you feel like you're losing your memory. You feel like you're you know, whatever you're butterfingers, whatever you're shaky, you're stressed out, whatever it is. These little things, these tips of find the seven things that fill your cup, find the four things that fill your cup, find the 10 things, whatever it is. You're already doing some of them, but incorporate more, because you're worth it, you deserve it, you deserve to feel good at all times. So, love on you. That's what I say.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to say thank you so much again for tuning in. My name is Tara Michelle, the intuitive mentor. Mom, I am just excited to be with you when I can be, and thank you so much for listening. Have a blessed and beautiful day and I will see you on the next episode, where we will continue to talk about things about being on the court of life and what that looks like. I'm going to keep diving into this because there's some juicy nuggets in being on the court of life and how you navigate these spaces. Have an amazing day. We'll talk with you soon. Take care. Thank you for coming on this healing adventure today. If you're starting to see how everything is falling into place for you, consider rating the show and sharing it with one of your friends. Keep that spirit alive and join me next week. Same place, same time. Have a great week.