Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
Welcome to **"Intuitive Mentor Mom,"** the podcast that invites you to look at life through a new lens! Join me as we explore the idea that life is happening for us, not to us, transforming those frustrating “Why me?” moments into enlightening “Ah, so that’s why!” revelations. Through my personal journey as well as others who join me on the show, we'll share insights on shifting perspectives and embracing growth as we navigate the beautiful tapestry of life together. Whether we're delving into relationships, tackling cosmic questions, or unraveling career and parenting challenges, each episode will inspire you to uncover fresh perspectives and recognize that every twist and turn is guiding you toward the best version of yourself. So, grab your favorite coffee or tea or hot toddy, get comfy, and let’s embark on this exciting self-discovery and adventure! Tune in and let’s uncover the magic of life’s challenges together!
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Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
13: Being On the Court of Life: Embracing Self-Love, Overcoming Overwhelm, and Navigating Single Parenthood With Grace
What if you viewed life as a high-speed basketball game, with each challenge resembling a different play on the court? In this episode of the Intuitive Mentor Mom Podcast, I draw upon my personal journey around the experience of "overwhelm", and as a single parent, to explore the intricate balance of life's demanding quadrants—health, finances, family, spirituality, and self-care. I open up about the clutter that can cloud our homes and minds, and how embracing self-love and care can help us tackle this chaos, offering a more organized approach to life's overwhelming moments.
Parenting a teenager while managing a household and personal life is no small feat. I share candid reflections on preparing my teenage son for a successful future, initiating conversations about his education, emotional well-being, and the financial pressures of running a household solo. With humor and honesty, I discuss my own adventures in dating and the challenges of maintaining health and fitness amidst the whirlwind of menopause, property upkeep, and a busy lifestyle. Through these experiences, I unravel the signs of underlying overwhelm that often manifest in seeking distractions outside the home.
This episode is a heartfelt expression of gratitude and the transformative power of connection. Together, we celebrate self-discovery and the beauty of honest introspection. Join me as we continue this healing adventure, where we prioritize our tasks, confront our fears, and embrace self-expression as a marker of fulfillment. We'll assess our position on the court of life, seeking clarity and motivation to move forward with grace. I hope to inspire a sense of peace, love, and joy as we align ourselves with the beautiful journey ahead. Let's keep the spirit alive and share this conversation with others who might find solace and inspiration in our shared experiences.
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Welcome back to the intuitive mentor mom podcast, where we explore strategies for practicing more self love, gratitude and finding new ways to empower ourselves in this ever changing healing adventure of life happening for us. I'm your host, tara. Michelle. Let's get started. Welcome back to the show. Thank you so much for joining us here. I'm excited to be with all of you this week and to dive in.
Speaker 1:What I was sharing last week or the last couple of weeks ago was how we're going to be talking about playing on the court of life and what it looks like to play full out on the court of life and playing on the court of life and what it looks like to play full out on the court of life and playing on the court of life. You know we have different, different facets or I'll say different quadrants. One might say quadrants of life where you've got health and wellbeing, you have finances, you have household, you have children, you have, or we could say parenting, parenting and children. We can say family. What else can we say? Spirituality, your connection to self or your connection to God, self-love, self-care there's all these different areas of being on the court of life. This has come up because I have a dear friend. We laugh and we joke. We were joking about it today how we play full out in the court of life.
Speaker 1:On the court, and when I think of myself or when I think of us in the world, people playing full out on the court of life, I always see it as a basketball game. I see it as a big basketball court and there's myself in the center. I've got the ball, or sometimes I may not have the ball. I've got the ball. Or sometimes I may not have the ball and there are other players on the court with me. Sometimes we're passing the ball back and forth, sometimes somebody's keeping the ball. I'm trying to get the ball, or maybe I'm not open, or they pass to me, I miss the ball, and then there's all the people on the sidelines watching the game. What I've always envisioned when I think about playing full out on the court of life, because there have been many times where I've been sitting on the sidelines. And then there's other aspects of my life where I'm full out, full court, press, playing the game of life, and when doing that, there were many times in my life where I had this very tra-la-la view of how life would be when I was a young person Like life will turn out just like this I'll live here, I'll have that, and da, da, da, da, da da. And then life happens right. You can wake up and recognize that when you're playing full court press, when you are really playing life, it can be really messy at times. You're running up and down the court, the score is tied, it's high, depending on if you're on offense or defense. Just imagine the speed of a basketball game.
Speaker 1:I'm not sure if any of you watch basketball. I used to be a big basketball follower. I don't follow it anymore. It's such a funny thing when there's not a quote unquote. Like partner man in the house, I don't watch sports, although I love sports. Is that the funniest thing?
Speaker 1:Like, I love to go to games, love to watch them, but I won't watch them on my own. I won't just sit down. I shouldn't say it. Sometimes I do Like I've turned on a few of like the, like Alabama and UT, okay, something like that. Like I'll put on a big game or I'll watch the Superbowl, you know, or the playoffs or something the NBA playoffs. I'll do something like that. But I don't typically turn sports on.
Speaker 1:But I always envision life like this high speed, high chase basketball game and I'm on the court and my knees are sometimes bloody, the score is high, sometimes I'm down, the score is high, sometimes I'm down, you know, and I want to talk about that, and I want to talk about it in a few different areas over the next few weeks. The one area I do want to focus on, because I think it's so important, is self-love and self-care. Self-love and self-care are really special and really important and I think something as any mom can relate to is so necessary and so key when doing your best to be the best that you can be for your children. So I want to dive into self-love. But one of the things I want to do today is I want to put my ass on the line, because what I'm up against and I do believe this has a connection to self-love is recognizing and being aware that as a parent and as a mother as a single parent I am very much deep in the state of overwhelm.
Speaker 1:As a single parent, I am very much deep in the state of overwhelm and what that looks like in my life, and let me know, really, if this resonates for any of you, and I've been in the state of overwhelm for a while. I'll say really probably the last 90 days. I can probably certifiably say I am in the state of overwhelm and I'm trying no, not trying, I've been avoiding it. What overwhelm looks like in my world is the house doesn't get cleaned. There's clutter everywhere. In my mind.
Speaker 1:Some people come over and they're like your house is never messy. I'm like oh, it's messy. Don't go into my bathroom. Maybe the kitchen and the dining room and the living room look clean, but don't go in any other rooms because you'll see piles, you'll see dust, you'll see things everywhere and I know that's. It takes me a while to recognize when I get there. But when I start looking around and I see that I'm not putting things away, it's a trigger for me like, oh man, am I an overwhelm? And it'll take me a while to recognize it. But then I'll putter around the house and I'll put some things away and I'll take me a while to recognize it. But then I'll putter around the house and I'll put some things away and I'll do some things, you know. But I'm going to admit I'm deep in a state of overwhelm. My closet keeps filling with things, yet I'm not removing things, removing some things, but not all the things. So what that means is I'm purchasing things Like I start to buy things to fill some kind of void that I'm not wanting to look at within me. I will get really tired, I will get unmotivated, I will have a lack of inspiration. I will. What else does my overwhelm look like?
Speaker 1:I wrote some things down here. You know what I wrote down Fear embers. Fear embers, like, imagine a fire, you know the embers of a fire that starts to occur in my gut, but it's, it's fear Like, it's like a fear fire starting to build up in my gut, like a feeling, an energetic feeling. And I call it embers because it's a slow, low, quiet burn. It's not yet overtaken me, but it's starting to. It's starting to rise up. Okay, so fear embers. And over the last couple of weeks I've been calling one of myself like oh yeah, I'm. Last couple of weeks I've been calling one of myself like, oh yeah, I'm definitely in a state of overwhelm and I'm not doing a lot about it. Well, I am doing some things, I'm recognizing it and I'll go to take action, but then I stop myself and there's fear there.
Speaker 1:Where mine is coming from, is the fear of the lack of income coming in. So if any of you have listened to earlier episodes, you know I was laid off earlier this year and then I then got this role that I have right now and there was aspects and elements of it looking really good, only to learn it's not as good, as I hate to say, as I was told. I hate to say that because there's something about me not taking ownership of that, but the structure in which has been handed to us on the commission side is not at all easily attained. Not at all. It is almost unattainable, and that has created levels of fear, fear embers to start to burn or bubble in my gut. I would say that's at the root and the source of the overwhelm, because it's as if I can see it out there, right, like I know, like when I see it happening, I'm like, oh shit. But rather than face it head on, I'm gonna recognize that I didn't face it head on in the moment that I started recognizing. Instead, I went to a place of frustration, anger, pointing the fingers outward instead of pointing them right back at me. I'll own that for sure. Now.
Speaker 1:It doesn't mean that the goal is still attainable. It's attainable, but not in the timeframe in which we're given. It's just going gonna take time. It's gonna take longer to grow the territory and to have the reimbursements, because I'm set up on a revenue pay structure. If any of you are familiar with insurance billing, it takes a while for insurance billing and reimbursements to come through. So even if you're so basically you're getting paid in arrears, like even though you're, even though you're producing the volume of numbers that that payment isn't going to come for a while because it takes time for them to then bill the insurance companies and get the reimbursement. So that has been a daunting, frustrating piece in my life over the last 90 days of really recognizing oh shit, and what that means for the rest of my year.
Speaker 1:What that then triggered was this aspect of me where I go into the procrastination mode. There's something about and I'm just going to kind of work through this here y'all because this is a big one, you know even getting on to record an episode today was was tough for me because I'm really in it. I'm deep in it right now and here's what I know about who I am. Who I am is a badass, you know, not like a badass with an ego, but like a badass like I know that I will figure shit out. I figure shit out. That's what I do. I just figure shit out, and sometimes I have to give myself a really swift kick in the ass to make shit out. That's what I do. I just figure shit out. And sometimes I have to give myself a really swift kick in the ass to make shit happen, because I get in this state of overwhelm and I can even feel the block right now.
Speaker 1:The block right now, what it feels like in my gut and it actually made me cry feels like it doesn't want to tell me what, like it doesn't want to show me the blind spot. It does not want to show me the blind spot because if it shows me, if my ego shows me the blind spot, that means that this way of being, that means that this strategy that I had at some point in my life, created as a child I created the procrastination or the overwhelm as a way and an excuse to get out of, to get out of, you know, operating at a certain level, because there was some kind of survival mechanism attached to it. Like I got to survive this situation, like my ego doesn't want me to see that. Because if I see it, then it doesn't get to play anymore, it doesn't get to be the thing that blocks me anymore, it doesn't get to be a strategy that's used. And this is what it looks like for me at least. I can't speak for anybody out there, but this is what it looks like when I really am on the court of life. I look at my shit in a way that's really uncomfortable and I didn't know what I was going to talk about this week.
Speaker 1:But I guess this is it because it's real for me, the overwhelm, and so one would say, okay, well, what? What is overwhelmed for you, tara? Well, overwhelm is, you know when you may not have. Let's see, the means are above what's coming in. Okay, because the previous job provided me a really great income. This job was supposed to do that and it's just going to take longer. It can still do that. That is if they don't change the goals too drastically. That is if they don't keep setting the goals to where they're never attainable, which I worry that that might be the case because of other things going on within the company. But then I hear people say, well, just go get another job. Well, yes, if it were that easy, absolutely Absolutely. Who wouldn't do that if it were that easy? And, as we all know, it's a tough job market right now Different conversation. So I'm not going to go into that and I am working on some things on the side. We'll see what happens, we'll see what opens up.
Speaker 1:But let me get back to what I was saying is that, in the state of overwhelm, what comes up for me is like, as a single person, I'm managing a teenager, a teenage boy who's really rocking and rolling into his hormones, and boy. That's an interesting place. Like we could have a whole episode just on the meanness of teenagers. The who the fuck are you? Who, the what? What did you just say to me? Like, who the hell are you, you know? So that's, that's a piece of life.
Speaker 1:There's the mortgage, the household and, as I talked about in my single parent heavy, you know the heaviness of being a parent, a single parent there's the whole mortgage, the whole nut, right, the whole household that has to be managed from a fiscal point of view and just you know, like let's not even talk about the money that needs to come in, let's just talk about that. You got to make sure you pay all the bills on time and you got to make sure you got all the bills whether they're on auto pay or not, it doesn't matter. Like you got to think about all the bills right, all the bills, all the time. And then you've got, you know, animals, if you have pets, and you got to manage those schedules. And then you have to manage your children's schedules if they're playing sports, if you know, and not to mention, what's really important to me is really being there for my son right now with grades and moving through middle school, and making sure that you know he's not just skating by, that he's feeling good, that he's feeling confident, that he's feeling empowered to achieve and attain that which he is asked to do.
Speaker 1:You know, because you know another dear friend of mine who reached out to me this last week, which was amazing. I hadn't spoken to this person in like seven years. It was so great to talk with him and we just went there, we just went deep in the conversation. But we were talking about, you know, setting our kids up so that life may be tough on the front end, because they're doing all the work, they're putting in all the time, they're putting in all the dues, but so that when they get to say my age, they're skating through, relaxing. Maybe they're still doing some things working on things, achieving, attaining but it's not in this place where they're having to build, build, build, build, build, like I'm still in a building phase. For God's sake, I'm still in a building phase. That's not what I want for my son. I want him to be like in the coasting phase at this age and what that means is I need to be there for him right now. I I've always been there for him, but I feel and I can see that he's needing me newly to really help him hone and practice and sharpen those skills of you know. Achievement attaining like putting in the effort, the extra effort, and what that does on the back end and how you feel about yourself when you put in that effort right.
Speaker 1:Another part of the overwhelm in my life is dating. Dating can be daunting Not daunting, but it's a lot of work, you know, to put myself out there, to be in the dating space, to be in the dating world. It takes energy and it takes time and it takes me having to redirect my attention and that can add to my overwhelm Making sure that my health and fitness are in check. Health and fitness is a huge thing moving through menopause on the other side of it but there's still like managing and navigating how my body feels, how my body looks to me. I'm not worried about how it looks to anybody else. Honestly, it's like how it looks to me and how I feel in it and how it feels.
Speaker 1:Am I achy or do I feel good today? And I have this knee situation that I'm still managing and navigating and have to get. I'm trying not to get surgery on it, but there are things like that. So I also think about oh, get done. And then I recognize that I'm just, I'm just skating by, I'm just getting the bare minimum of things done, and I'm exhausted by the end of the day and I will often, in this state of overwhelm, not feel like I've accomplished much, not feel like I've attained much, that I'm just surviving and treading water, and I'm treading water not lightly, like I'm treading water to save my life, because the shark is coming. That is what overwhelm feels like, and what I'll do is I will tend to continue to distract myself with things that aren't really necessary.
Speaker 1:Another thing that just popped in my mind you know I have an acre of property. There's a lot of work to do on my property. There's a lot of things. There's a lot of work to do on my property. There's a lot of things. There's a lot of projects here at this house that can be done. But instead of focusing on the projects, I'll do things like I'm going to go to a concert, I'm going to go to a festival, I'm going to go do this, I'm going to go do that. I will notice that I'm wanting to do things outside of my space to escape that which I don't want to look at here, when the truth is, I love being here, love my home it's beautiful, love it here. It's so peaceful. We love it. But when I'm not focusing on that and I'm looking to be outside of that, those are all signs for me that something's going on. To be outside of that, those are all signs for me that something's going on.
Speaker 1:So I want to get back to the point of this and hopefully not make this episode too long, but I really wanted to get on here and talk about this because I'm up against it right now. I'm talking about being on the court of life, what it looks like for me when I'm on the court of life and maybe this might look like for the same, you know, for some of you listening like what does it look like being on the court of life? Are you playing full out? Are you, are you skirting by certain situations? Are you choosing to to look under the rock and figure out what's really going on? What's really going on and that's where I'm at right now is I've been asking God literally every day. One of the things I always say and I might have said this on other episodes is show me the truth of myself and show me the truth of others. Well, god has gotten really good at showing me the truth of others. Well, god has gotten really good at showing me the truth of others.
Speaker 1:I recently went on an amazing date. He just walked up and just unloaded, just unloaded, and I was like, well, okay, I'm listening, I got this, I'm listening, and he told me all kinds of truth about himself, which was beautiful, beautiful. He's a beautiful soul, such an awesome dude. Love this guy, he's so much fun. Great guy. Um. But we also chose that. You know there were, as there were, pieces of what we were both wanting. That wasn't a total fit, and so that was that move it on, um, but it was really beautiful. It's really beautiful. He's a incredible soul.
Speaker 1:But I also started recognizing this week, like, although I'll say, show me the truth of myself and show me the truth of others, I often don't always look at myself's truths. So I was like huh, like thank you for always telling me the truth of others, showing me the truth of others, but what about mine? Am I really looking at my truth? But what about mine? Am I really looking at my truth? Am I really being honest with myself about things? Am I really seeing the truth of who I'm being right now? And what I recognize is who I'm being is in a complete state of overwhelm, not managing things at the level that I like to manage them and not managing them at the level of what I would say could move me to the next level of success. What I also just heard in my mind is that's not the truth, because there are things that I'm creating and I'm absolutely moving things to the next level, absolutely, and I need to recognize that. So I'm gonna say out there for those of you when you find that you're saying negative things to yourself, like I don't wanna say I was beating myself up by any means, but when I'm saying, oh yeah, you're not doing all that you can be doing to move to the next level. That is so not true. I absolutely am. But I'm also aware that the space that I'm in right now doesn't feel like it and it, and I know that there are things going on in the background. We all must remember that things are going on in the background. We all must remember that things are going on in the background. I just saw boredom. Okay, boredom came up.
Speaker 1:Boredom is also something I've been struggling with and grappling with, and it is inside of this space of overwhelm. Like I'm bored with certain things. Like I'm bored with food logging. I'm bored with certain things. Like I'm bored with food logging. I'm bored with my workouts. I'm bored with my life looking the way it looks in this particular stage of life. Like I want something exciting and I want something to really open up. Ooh, wow, you know. Like I want some big like shift. It's like, do you really? Maybe you don't, maybe you don't, but what I know is that there are things that are aligning in the background. I even find that I'm bored with dating, and you know what it is. I'm just okay. I'm so glad I'm sharing all this with all of you today and thank you and bear with me. It's showing me that I'm at a particular stage in conversations where I just have to keep doing what there is to do.
Speaker 1:I'm in that gap. Remember, from the very first episode, the gap of life. I'm in a gap, a big one. It's like encompassing all areas of my life, and there is an aspect of uncertainty, there's an aspect of fear and there's an aspect of boredom, and what there is for me to do is to keep doing exactly what I know to do. And I'll use this as the example Keep food logging, keep doing the same workouts. If you want to change it up, add a bike ride or add some rowing or go for a run, but keep doing the workouts, keep doing the things I got to do with my son.
Speaker 1:You know, in the realm of dating, I mean, I could turn dating off. I could, or I could just keep allowing myself to be open, not have a whole lot of expectation. Just keep moving, just keep doing what you know to do. And it's almost as if you need to. You need to really master the structures that are in place for each of those things and balancing them, and maybe that's what's missing for me is the balance of all of those structures.
Speaker 1:One of the things that always helped me when I recognize that I'm in this state is, for one, taking a deep breath and just like giving myself the space and grace to just be okay, like you're okay, tara, it's going to be okay, but to write down all the things that I know I need to do, that I haven't done yet and that and that, even like washing the dogs, bathing the dogs, you know, mailing this item that I've been meaning to mail to my friend for months, returning a couple of articles back to a couple items back to Amazon that you know are just sitting on my counter, cleaning my house, like really cleaning it, dusting, vacuuming, mopping not spot cleaning Clearing out all the clutter in every room and taking it to the goodwill. I keep saying I'm going to sell stuff on Facebook because I love, love Facebook marketplace and I sell a shit ton of stuff there, but I just don't have the time right now. I'm in a state of overwhelm, like the last thing I need to do is to try and take pictures of all this stuff and then create ads and like, oh no, just take it to the goodwill girl, just take it to the goodwill, take it to the goodwill, girl, just take it to the goodwill. When I take the time to write down all the things that I know I have to do, that I'm avoiding. That removes it out of my brain and it puts it on a piece of paper and it allows me oh well, can we add the budget.
Speaker 1:Budget, tara, budget. That's the big avoidant right there. And if any of you are Dave Ramsey fans God love Dave Ramsey, that man, as a matter of fact, I need to start listening to him again. He has saved my bacon so many times throughout my life. I listen to that man. I'm like, oh God, get back on track with that, tara. That's the big thing. If I'm dealing with money and freaked out by money, hello, start budgeting. But I'm like, no, just avoid it, just avoid it, it'll go away. No, it won't go away. It won't go away, tara. Like telling myself won't go away, girl.
Speaker 1:So back to what are the things that I do? I write down a list and then I take that list and I start marking one thing off at a time and literally and viscerally in my body. I will feel the lift, I will feel the shift and I will feel the lightness and the burden removed and then doors begin to open, integrity is back in place and my life begins to move with a level of rigor and flow. And it's like the floodgates open and flow. And it's like the floodgates open and as I sit here and share all this with you, I'm thinking girl, why the hell haven't you done that? And it's literally because when overwhelm occurs for me, I freeze like a deer in headlights and I want to do nothing.
Speaker 1:So when I recognize that I am in a state of overwhelm, what there is for me to do is to recognize that I'm frozen, that I'm stalled and that I'm stopped, and then what there is for me to do is do not beat myself up. Don't beat myself up, like what's that going to do? It's not going to do anything. The first thing I have to do is pick up the pen, put it on paper, and then the next thing I have to do is start marking it off, start doing it, and then the next thing I have to do is start marking it off, start doing it. So I wanted to be crazy, wild, honest with where I'm at today Because life is real and this is what it looks like for me to be on the court.
Speaker 1:And right now there's a lot of dirt and dust and obstacles on my court, because I've been in a state of overwhelm and the obstacles are just things like things that need to be removed off of my to-do list and things that I just haven't felt like doing. You know, and I'm going to do them, and what that will shift and open up for the next episode we'll see, because I really want to dive into self-love. But this is what self-love looks like for me. What can it look like for you? Self-love looks like for me and being on the court looks like let's discover what's going on, tara, let's really take a look at the truth of you, like what really is happening and why do you feel uncomfortable and where is that discomfort coming from and what are you going to do with it? That's what it's about.
Speaker 1:So being on the court of life looks like it's a game and it may feel like work, and there are times when, absolutely, you got to dig in and do the work, like you just got to do it and because nobody's going to do it for you, I guess somebody could do it for you, but in my case I got nobody here to do it for me. I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to have to own up, pull my big girl panties on, stop my moping around and my rolling around and overwhelm, and get some things marked off my to-do list and begin to recultivate that experience of inspiration and motivation and really dissolving the space of fear. There is nothing to fear. Let's get back to the root of where this all came from. There's nothing to fear in the area of my career or my finances.
Speaker 1:Fear is false events appearing. Real. Fear means I'm stuck in a future, projected concern or worry, and I'm throwing that out there on the illusion of my life. Remember, we talked about the illusion of your life and I just threw that out there and muddied up the space. And that's okay, I'm human. That's what happens sometimes. The human design will do that. You know. The human brain will do that. It's designed to keep you safe and to keep you from dying, and that's what in our you, in our world today, we're not running from saber-toothed lions or tigers. We're now running from the tax man and the bill collectors. So that's it. That's what sparks my fear that's what gets those embers burning is when something gets tweaked in my experience of financial gain and poses a threat, a threat to the situation, and the only one that's going to change that and get myself out of that is going to be me. So you know, there's this part of me like okay, so what do you want to leave them with? I mean, I guess that's it. Like there's, this is just real shit.
Speaker 1:I'm on the court today. Y'all. I'm on the court. I'm always on the court, but this time I'm really on the court and I hope you can, you know, hear something for yourself and allow something to resonate for you. But this is what it looks like for me today is that I'm on the court and the shit feels heavy and I have been rolling around and overwhelmed, and what I'll commit to doing is writing down my list of all the things I know I got to get done, that I haven't been doing, and I'll get them marked off my plate. And one of the things is I went ahead and requested time off because, as a single full-time parent, you know I have to request time off to sometimes take care of my life, because weekends are filled with crazy, like all kinds of other things? And when did weekends become just the days that you get caught up on all the things you didn't get to do over the week? Right, there's no freedom in that, but it's the reality of the kind of world we're living in right now. Can we change that world? We can. Am I committed to the change and the transformation of that world? I am, and what it looks like and where it starts is with me.
Speaker 1:So this week I had to look at my overwhelm. I had to get real with my fear. I have to look at all the things I'm up to and all the things I'm not up to. I have to reprioritize what's important to me. But most important is put it all down on paper. Stop having it live in my head. My head is already full. You ever feel that. You ever feel like your head is already full. Like, how in God's name, do we put any more in our heads than we already do? It's crazy, it's wild how much information we hold in our heads and at some point you have to release it. You have to let it go. I will leave it there and I want to thank all of you for joining me on this journey, joining me on this ride.
Speaker 1:I hope there was something that I've shared today that triggered, you know, any resonance for you. Not Not resonance, but just triggered some new thought process or perspective for yourself, so that you could take a look at your life. And what does it mean to be on the court of life for you, what does it mean to play hard? What does it mean to you know, really win the game called life? And what does winning even look like for you? For me, winning feels like peace, bliss, freedom, expression I just heard sensuality and sexuality, like all of that. When I feel like I'm winning in life, I feel all of that. I feel peace, love, joy. I feel expressed, I feel sensual, I feel sexual. I'm just going to admit that, yeah, bring it.
Speaker 1:I feel really amazing when I feel I'm winning the game of life and when I'm not, I feel a little up against it, get a little overwhelmed, got to look around the court and say, oh my God, who's open? I think I need to pass the ball. Who's open? Or are they passing it to me? Or where's the ball? I got to shoot the ball, where am I going to shoot it, like all those things it's like yeah, where are you in the ball? I got to shoot the ball. Where am I going to shoot it? Like all those things it's like, yeah, where are you in the game, tara? Are you passing shooting? Are you open? Where are you? Get focused, get clear, get back in the game. When I say life's happening for you, not to you, it's happening for all of us. And when you're on the court of it, you got to get in. So I'm going to leave you with that until next week or the next episode.
Speaker 1:I just want to thank all of you for joining me. I feel honored and blessed to be with you, those of you listening and just thanks, and have a beautiful rest of your weekend. See you soon. Thank you for coming on this healing adventure today. If you're starting to see how everything is falling into place for you, consider rating the show and sharing it with one of your friends. Keep that spirit alive and join me next week. Same place, same time. Have a next week Same place, same time. Have a great week.