Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
Welcome to **"Intuitive Mentor Mom,"** the podcast that invites you to look at life through a new lens! Join me as we explore the idea that life is happening for us, not to us, transforming those frustrating “Why me?” moments into enlightening “Ah, so that’s why!” revelations. Through my personal journey as well as others who join me on the show, we'll share insights on shifting perspectives and embracing growth as we navigate the beautiful tapestry of life together. Whether we're delving into relationships, tackling cosmic questions, or unraveling career and parenting challenges, each episode will inspire you to uncover fresh perspectives and recognize that every twist and turn is guiding you toward the best version of yourself. So, grab your favorite coffee or tea or hot toddy, get comfy, and let’s embark on this exciting self-discovery and adventure! Tune in and let’s uncover the magic of life’s challenges together!
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Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms
12: Redefining Your Reality (Illusion): Using Perspective to Transform Your Life
What if your life could transform simply by shifting your perspective? Join me, Tara Mychelle, on an enlightening journey as we explore the concept of life as a self-created illusion. This episode is all about harnessing the power of our minds to reshape our reality. We'll dive into the essentials of self-reflection, self-love, and empowerment, examining how viewing life as happening for us, not to us, can lead to profound changes. By focusing on our friendships, finances, and spiritual connections, we can manifest our desires in unexpected ways. Managing our thoughts and detaching from specific outcomes can help us appreciate the subtleties of how our dreams materialize.
I also share personal stories of how changing my perspective opened up newfound freedoms and unexpected career opportunities, breaking down old mental barriers that led to subtle yet significant miracles. Discover how shifting your mindset can lead to greater blessings and personal growth. Plus, I introduce an upcoming live empowerment circle designed specifically for women to help shift energy and overcome blocks. Together, let's embrace intuition and healing, celebrating the beautiful journey of life. Don't forget to share your experiences and rate the show if you find it beneficial—let's continue to play on the court of life, where true growth and fulfillment occur.
Looking for confirmation, guidance, or support in an area of life where you feel stuck, stagnant, or simply unclear of what to do next? Let's connect: book a complimentary Discovery Session with me, today!
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Tara Mychelle:For us, I'm your host, Tara Michelle. Let's get started. Welcome back to the show. It's so good to be hanging out with y'all and I want to say thank you for joining me for yet another episode.
Tara Mychelle:So I want to wrap up the last few weeks that we've been talking about, you know, creating the illusion of your life, and we talked about how, in regular sense, illusion can actually be. You know, when you look at the definition, it's more of a negative term. However, I'd like to recreate that and say you know this very world that you're looking outside at. Is this really fantastic illusion that you get to create? You get to create and say how it goes. You get to be the architect of your life. You get to see life as happening for you, not to you, and when it's happening for you, you get to look outside of you and say, okay, so what is it really? What are the things that are showing up? How is life looking for me? Are there areas of opportunity that I want to grow or change or shift, especially when we talk about the space of self-love, self-healing, empowering ourselves. So I believe that you know to feel those things at the highest potential for yourself, you really have to look within. You have to look in the mirror and you have to look within and you have to look at all those areas you may not want to explore within yourself because you have to call one out on yourself, or friendships, or finances, or even just your spiritual connection to you. Know God, spirit, your higher power, however you see it or don't see it, you know your conscious awareness, you're. You know, creating more stillness in your life, creating more peace in your life. You know when we don't have things that we'd like to have, we have to look inward. And when we have the ability to look inward and do the work sometimes it can feel like dirty work because you got to scrub and get deep that's when this outer world gets to shift and change. And we were really looking at that over the last few weeks and we were really looking at that over the last few weeks.
Tara Mychelle:And what's next is being on the court of life. You know, because that the power of our mind we explored in episode eight. We explored the power of our mind, our thoughts, and I was talking about that really cool book, happy Pocket Full of Money. You know we were looking at how our thoughts are powerful, how what we think creates our outer world, and how do you manage what you think. You know what are you thinking, what are things that you're thinking? Are you thinking negative thoughts? Are you thinking positive thoughts? Are you thinking worried thoughts? Are you not thinking at all? Are you just unconsciously walking around your world and your life just existing because you're surviving the tasks of your everyday existence? You know what are you thinking and are you taking time out for yourself to manifest what are the things you want, you know?
Tara Mychelle:So today is going to be a little bit of a recap and launching us into what the next conversation is, and that's really about being on the court of life and what that looks like and how being on the court of life can sometimes be. It's fun, but it may not always look fun. But it may not always look fun, but that's where, when we talk about, you know, self-love and self-healing and that space of empowerment and gratitude, you really want to be playing on the court of life. So okay, so let me get back to the recap, because I'm getting excited about talking about that. But you know, in episode nine, excited about talking about that, but you know, in episode nine we talked about our trust, know and believe and unhooking from the outcome. You know, getting detached from the outcome of what it is you're looking to create, but also really knowing that.
Tara Mychelle:You know, I think some people that might listen to this will say, well, I can't create my world, I'm not the creator of my world. Like what are you talking about, tara? Like that's not possible. And it is possible. I promise you you're getting everything you've ever wanted. It just doesn't look the way you thought it would look and sometimes you're not even recognizing that the very thing you were wishing or hoping for has already arrived in your life. Or when it shows up in your life, you're like that's not what I really wanted, because you weren't specific about what it was you're wanting. Or let me rephrase that Sometimes it can show up and be the very thing you desire, but it doesn't look the way you had envisioned it and therefore you will miss it.
Tara Mychelle:I use the example of you know you could have a dear friend, a good friend, like if you're a single single mom out there. You could have a dear, good friend who is very interested in you romantically and is really actually the perfect fit for you, but because you are so attached to an outcome, of how or what they should look like, you might miss the very thing you desire. You might let it walk right by you because you'll you'll push it aside as like that's not, that's not what I wanted or that's my friend. I can't do that with my friend. That's weird when really that friend might be the perfect person for you.
Tara Mychelle:It's funny, as I share that I'm like, oh, my God, my, I listening to, I'm listening to my own thoughts and listening to my own coaching. Should I was there somebody that walked by that I missed? I'm sure there, I'm sure there've been people that I've that I've totally missed. But you know, I'm human. I'm human and and as I've shared, you know this, this show is really raw truth about my personal life and me sharing how I bump up against stuff and how I fall down and how I, you know, dust my knees off and keep on going and through that sometimes I'll have some amazing wins and sometimes I'll have some amazing epic failures. And so I'll share those things, because life is a healing adventure. I really believe that, and it's happening for us, not to us.
Tara Mychelle:So then, in episode 11, we talked about being wildly accountable. You know, stop blaming that which is outside of you for your life not working. Stop blaming that which is outside of you for your life not working. And really, if there's an area of your life that's not feeling amazing or you're not feeling empowered by, you're not feeling in love with, it's simply a reflection. It's a reflection of something going on within you. It's a reflection of something going on within you. Um, that had me think of something that I I wanted to share, um, but I think I might have to share that in a separate episode. So I'm going to, I'm going to hold tight gloss over, because there's something really beautiful about how life reflects to us. Okay, so, when you're getting wildly accountable, you really stop blaming the outside world and you start looking within. You start looking at what is the persistent complaint that's happening in your mind, what's the racket in your mind, what's the thing you keep complaining about.
Tara Mychelle:I shared in that episode where one of my persistent complaints was they don't see me, they're not seeing me, damn it, they're not seeing me. I have a solution. Or or you know, especially in the area of work, like I have a solution, but when I share it, they don't hear me, they don't see me, they're not listening, they're passing me by, they're not choosing me. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I am so tired of that persistent complaint. Literally, when I talk about it I'm like I just want to vomit, because it's like, oh, my God, could you just stop already? But it took me a long time to really see what I needed to see. So you want to look for yourself what is the persistent complaint? And for those of you who haven't listened to episode 11, I encourage it.
Tara Mychelle:I actually go back to eight, nine and then 11. 10 was an aha moment. That was an aha moment because on this show, every now and then, I'm going to have these aha moments in the middle of a moment, like a day, like oh, oh, my God, and I'll have this aha moment and I want to share those. But if you go back to eight, nine and 11, that's really where we talk about this recreating of the illusion that you're living within and creating it to the way that you want to see it. But in episode 11, I was talking about how, you know, I hadn't been seen and what I got to was that I was the one who wasn't seeing myself. And a lot has shifted over the last few weeks since seeing myself, last few weeks since seeing myself and seeing myself in this space of really getting who I am, for myself and for my son and for the world I've created.
Tara Mychelle:And isn't that really what life is about? You know, I know not everybody sees life and lives life the way I do, but there's got to be a bunch of you out there that do. Where. It's this playground, it's this beautiful space that we get to create. It's this beautiful space where we get to feel all the feels, from the worst to the best feelings, and then we get to navigate what that is for us and how do we become the hero of our world? And the hero is for you. It's not for anybody else, but you. You could say it's for your children. I absolutely want to be the hero for my son, but it requires me to do all the dirty work within looking under all those pockets or boulders that I don't want to look under and cleaning it out, cleaning house, you know, cleaning my inner, my inner sanctuary, my inner what do you call it? You know my temple.
Tara Mychelle:I also want to say, when you're looking at your persistent complaints, where have you sold out on yourself? I sold out on myself, huge in the area of relationship, romantic relationships, woo, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, really sold out on myself, really had to look at some aspects of my behaviors, my emotions, my worth, and had to repeat it many times, multiple times, over and over and over Boy they. But you know you. But you bump up against those things until you're really ready to make the change. And when you're ready to make the change, you change it. And when you're ready to make the change, it's amazing what happens. Where have you sold out on yourself? Have you sold out on yourself? You know, I sit and I really think about that because I think to myself here I'm 53 years old, I sold out on myself and that's okay, it really is okay.
Tara Mychelle:There was a deep lesson there, one around self-worth, self-love, you know, really loving who I am, fully accepting who I am and who I'm not, loving every aspect of Tara Me Myself, loving every aspect of Tara me myself, and now being able to say, okay, I see me, I see myself. How can I nurture myself? What can I give myself, especially in the area of romantic relationship? Self, especially in the area of romantic relationship, what is the love that I've? I've been, you know, robbing myself up. What are the things I can do?
Tara Mychelle:You know, when you, when you're able to really look at yourself and look at your shortcomings or the areas where you sold out on yourself, you know, it's not about making yourself wrong and shaming yourself. That's just the. That's just being human. It really is just being human. There's nothing to make wrong. If anything, there's all to embrace, celebrate and love and say thank you, thank you self, thank you, shortcoming for being one of the greatest lessons on earth for me, thank you for constantly reflecting that which I was not seeing or that which I needed to see within myself. You know, that's what comes out of telling the truth on yourself and that's where we hold ourselves accountable.
Tara Mychelle:So once you've done those things and I'm curious how, how any of you have been doing on the journey, if you've listened all the way through once you did those things, you know what was it like for you. What did you bump up against, what did you see for yourself? Did you see a new area of freedom? Did you feel pissed off and angry? Did you feel afraid, resistant, not wanting to go there? Did you feel defensive? What did it feel for you? How? What was it like for you when, really looking at you know, how is my life showing up for me? What is it I really want to create? Who have I been being? What are those persistent complaints that I have, persistent complaints that I have? How do I navigate the journey? How do I give myself more love so that I could give my children more love, so that I could receive more love in my life? Those are the kinds of questions you really want to start asking yourself, because I'm committed that we all, that all of us mamas out there in the world, that we truly experience the fullness and the richness of freedom, joy, love, peace, that you feel empowered in every step of your day, that you truly understand who you are, know who you are and know who you are and own who you are. Because once you unearth those areas that you need to look at, that's when you can shed them, when you really feel the emotion, when I really got to the source of who I am. When I got to the bottom of really recognizing that I had not been, you know, seeing myself, I shed some tears, some deep tears.
Tara Mychelle:And then there was this whole new space of freedom that showed up in the last few weeks, this whole new shift in perspective where everything that was already in my life, the perspective, just shifted. It was like I took off the old glasses, put on the new ones and I could see everything differently. And I was like, wow. And as a result, what showed up are all these new opportunities in the area of my career, opportunities that I kept resisting and pushing off. And the universe kept saying, hey, take a look at this, take a look at this, take a look at this. And I was like no, no, no, no, no, because I needed to look this way. Over here, I'm attached to this outcome. Over here, I can't even see that right there, because I just can't see that. And the universe kept saying but this one, but this one, but this one, but this one, but this one. And as a result of that, like I shared, everything's showing up wildly different People see me when they talk to me, especially in the area of my career.
Tara Mychelle:They're like we want. We want you, you're really smart. You, we like what you have to say, we like your work ethic. We think that you, you, you're great, you have something we need. I don't know that I've ever really experienced that, and if I have, it's been a long time, because it has not been that way lately over the years.
Tara Mychelle:So I share that in hopes that those of you who've been on this journey of reconstructing your illusion, I'd love to hear your thoughts, your opinions, what your experience has been. You know. I would love to hear what opened up for you, what shifted Because what's next is, you know, being on the court of life and what that looks like. What does it look like to be on the court of life? What, how is that for you? I have a dear friend. Her and I we talk all the time because we, we play on the court of life. That girl and I, we were like we're on the court, we're playing. It's a messy game, but man, we are playing, we're shooting, we are, we're making sure that we are rolling around in it, and I'll talk about that more in the episodes to come. I don't want this episode to be too long, but I wanted to wrap up this experience of you know recreating your illusion, experience of you know recreating your illusion what was it like for you? What showed up, what's opening up for you?
Tara Mychelle:And if you feel stuck, you feel like it's not something you can see or you want more, please reach out to me. I'm happy to support you on the journey. That's what I'm here for. I'm here to. It's one of the things I'm here for. I'm here for many things, but one of the things I'm here for is to is to support those who are feeling stuck or, you know, afraid.
Tara Mychelle:I know what it feels like to be afraid. I know what it feels like to be stuck. I know what it feels like to be stuck. I know what it feels like to be stopped. I know what it feels like to feel like a complete and utter failure in my life. I know what it takes to have to stand up and keep walking in the face of absolute. You know resistance or things just not working out. Time and time again, I know all about that. I know what it feels like to lose everything, literally, like your home, your car. I know what that feels like. I know what it feels like to be in abusive relationships, both as a child and as an adult. I know what it feels like to go through a lot. I know what it feels like to be almost left for dead. I know what it feels like to be in a relationship. I know things about life Scary life can be, but on the other side of that, life can be really amazing. Life can be really beautiful, really incredible. Life is beautiful and incredible.
Tara Mychelle:So I'd like to leave you with today is take a look around at your life and I want you to begin to look for the miracle blessings that are happening in your life right now. Now. First you have to get, you have to detach from what you think a miracle blessing is. Some people think miracle blessings are these like big, giant, monumental moments, like God speaking or something, or or I don't know. You know, money starts literally growing on trees. I mean, I guess it could, you could figure that out. I have not mastered that one yet, but I I'd be willing to play with that. But you know what I'm saying. Miracles are subtle, but the more you recognize the subtle miracles, the faster we bring in those big miracles. So I want to leave you with that today and I also want to.
Tara Mychelle:I want to mention we're going to be doing a um I have to get the details down, but I've got I've got a live, a live empowerment circle that's going to be launching here and it's it's going to be free, it's going to be free and fun and it's I. I was looking at November, but I'm thinking it's probably going to going to be free and fun and it's I. I was looking at November, but I'm thinking it's probably going to have to be December. I don't have all the details yet, but I want to go ahead and leave that with you. I'm going to do a live empowerment circle. It's going to be 60 minutes and it's going to be with a group of women who are ready to make some shifts and are ready to really take an area of their life and and say, okay, tara, let's, let's do this and we're. We're going to move some energy. We're going to move some blocks Cause, as, as those of you who don't don't know, I'm an intuit uh, I'm an energy practitioner.
Tara Mychelle:That's something I do as a passion project on the side of my regular corporate gig in life and it's, you know, I have many gifts, I have many gifts to offer and I want to support those women who are interested in ready to get on a women's empowerment circle for 60 minutes and we'll take a couple areas of our lives and you'll be able to interact with me personally. We'll. We'll look at, you know, if you feel brave enough to share what's really going on in your world and brave enough to get some coaching and some support. I should say mentoring, more mentoring, coaching, but more mentoring, and then we'll move some things in hopes to. You know, create something really spectacular that you desire, and I'm just there to help you, you know shed light on the blind spots and then, you know, boost you into what's next. So know that that's coming.
Tara Mychelle:I'll talk about more We'll. We'll get the details on the next episode, but I wanted to throw that out there. I'll keep the. You know I'll keep you guys posted and put links in the on the next episode. But I wanted to throw that out there. I'll keep the. You know I'll keep you guys posted and put links in the in the show notes.
Tara Mychelle:But until next time, I really do want to begin to dive into being on the court of life. That's what's next and I have some beautiful things to share about that, especially in the area of love and love of self, and how life can reflect that upon you and really reflect the areas in which you need to see. And I also want to share what I had done for myself when I was able to see something really profound in the area of loving myself and how I had been leaking out energy by allowing this energy to be out there, attaching it either to men or whatever, not recognizing that that feeling needed to come up within me. So I'm just going to throw that out there, but I'll talk about that more in the next episode. So until next time, I do want to thank all of you for being here. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. You know life is a healing adventure. It really is happening for us.
Tara Mychelle:I'm the intuitive mentor, mom Tara, michelle. I look forward to seeing you on that next episode and have a blessed and beautiful weekend. Take care. Thank you for coming on this healing adventure today. If you're starting to see how everything is falling into place for you, consider rating the show and sharing it with one of your friends. Keep that spirit alive and join me next week. Same place, same time. Have a great week.