Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms

10: Intuitive Mentor Mom Ah-Ha Moments | Transform Judgement into Love and Discover Life’s Hidden Lessons

Tara Mychelle

How often do we find ourselves quick to judge without truly understanding the journey of others? As I wandered along on a hike with my dog by my side, I pondered the stark contrast between loving someone through their journey versus judging them. This episode is a heartfelt reflection on how we can cultivate acceptance, forgiveness, and grace for ourselves and others. By examining our own reactions and triggers, we can transform judgment into compassion and support.

Join me as I share intimate insights from my own journey amongst friends who are navigating the complexities of life, from romantic relationships to business ventures. In a candid exploration of my own romantic experiences, I reveal how judgments from others can shape our paths and how embracing our unique journeys can lead to profound personal growth. This episode is an invitation to love more deeply, judge less, and discover the invaluable lessons hidden in our struggles. Tune in to find out how shifting our perspective can strengthen our connections and foster a more understanding world.

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Speaker 1:

Hey y'all. So this is a quick message. As I'm out on a hike with my dog, I just had this thought come in my mind Love her through it, not judge her through it, and loving someone through something versus judging them through something. You can probably hear my dog panting and me as we walk along this trail. But I wanted to jump on here real quick because I had this thought and realized how often, how often do we look at others lives and we judge choices they're making or judge the path they choose?

Speaker 1:

That's, I think, that's saying the same thing. I think where I'm at in this phase and stage of my life is really learning how to accept, forgive, provide grace, whether that's grace to myself or grace to another. And I would ask anybody out there listening to this how often are you judging someone through something versus loving them through something? You know, I look at the various paths that myself and my friends, my community of female friends, are on, and some of us really I actually don't want to say some of us, really, actually I don't want to say some of us each one of us is really walking through a tough time in an aspect of life, and I don't want to say tough, as in like, oh, it's so hard. Tough, not like that, that, but up against a conversation or a way of being that they're having to navigate, whether that be divorce, whether that be romantic relationship, just, you know, sorting through their own romantic relationship things, whether it be creating business and creating income, drumming up new business, drumming up, you know, new levels of productivity, like. Each of us is having our own journey through a very massive breakthrough, journey through a very massive breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

And then what I've recognized is we, as human beings, are so quick to judge where somebody else is at, we're so quick to point a finger and say you're not doing this or you should be doing that. Well, we got to ask ourselves what are we triggered by when we look at the choices or the roads they're taking? And I'm really coming to this place of you know, if someone asks me for my opinion or really wants my advice, then I'm going to give it. And I'm going to give it from the perspective of which I see it, and I can only give it from the perspective of what I understand, because maybe I've walked something through. But for me to sit on the sideline or even sit in front of them on the court and push and judge, sometimes shame or question, like you know what's the matter with you and why are you choosing this and you should be doing that and da, da, da, da, da, da, da da da. That's just judging them through something and it's simply reflecting or really projecting that which I'm struggling with inside me, like an area that I have not yet healed. And what if I could just love somebody through wherever they're at, because that's what I'd want for myself.

Speaker 1:

You know, I have been moving through a corridor with another human being and it's been quite the journey and walk and it's in the realm of romantic relationships and a lot of people on the outside would have a lot of judgment of my choices. But you know, what I know for myself is that there's still stuff left to learn and when I'm done or when he's done, we will be done. It will be done when it's done and in the meantime, I keep uncovering these beautiful nuggets of insight for myself and for him too, but more for myself, because it really is about healing myself. And as I'm on this healing adventure, because life is happening for me, I'm gonna dive deep and you know, that may not be for everybody, that may not be why you or somebody else is here, but that's why I'm here and I am okay and we tend to point a finger or judge and think that we know better for that person. We have to consider that we, and when we do, maybe we do, but it's not our place to say, unless they ask, because they are walking a journey that they chose, that they are learning and that they are gaining divine, incredible access to self. And I really believe that's what it's all about.

Speaker 1:

And then finding the balance in whatever you're moving through and, hey, you may tear yourself to pieces, you may have to go to the total depths of self-suffering to find whatever it is that you're supposed to heal. And I'll tell you, I'm the first to say I never want to see a friend go through that. But sometimes, if there's anything I've learned, is that sometimes that's what you have to go for or go through before you're really ready to turn a corner or turn a page, look at yourself and embrace who you are. So I just wanted to get on there. That's what I'm grappling with today.

Speaker 1:

I'm moving through really learning how to self-accept and accept others, give others grace, give myself grace and really step into a space of love that I've never stepped into before. Like love is an unconditional space that you know. How do I just be love for myself and others. It doesn't mean I can't set up boundaries for myself, but I can certainly not judge. I can certainly not judge. I'm not sure I'm still moving through my own spaces around it, but I wanted to get on here and share that. I wish all of you an amazing day. I loved you all.