Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms

8: A Mom's Perspective on Unlocking the Illusion: How Your Mind Shapes Your Reality

Tara Mychelle Episode 8

As a mom, is your life an illusion shaped by your mind? Join Tara Mychelle as she uncovers the transformative concept that "your life outside is images of your mind expressed," inspired by David Cameron Gikandi's book: "Happy Pocket Full of Money." In this eye-opening episode, Tara delves into how our thoughts shape our reality and invites you to identify areas in your life—romance, wealth, spirituality, or parenting—where you desire an upgrade. By embracing the idea that life is happening for us, not to us, we can harness our thoughts to create the life we truly want.

This episode also explores the profound impact of modern life's constant barrage of advertisements and media, placing us in a perpetual state of subconscious programming. Tara discusses the phenomenon of being in a hypnotic state while driving and contrasts the overwhelming stimuli of daily life with the serenity of a billboard-free highway. By reclaiming control over our environment, we can manifest our dreams and transform our lives into sources of peace, freedom, and joy. Trust, and believe in the journey, and stay tuned for more insights as Tara continues this healing adventure in upcoming episodes. Don't forget to share the show with friends and rate it!

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Tara Mychelle:

Welcome back to the intuitive mentor mom podcast, where we explore strategies for growing confidence, empowerment and gaining clarity for midlife moms. When life is happening for you and not to you, you can be living the life of freedom, fun and bliss. I'm your host, tara, mychelle, let's get to it. All right, ladies? So let's get started. Who out there is ready to take the life of their dreams to the next level? Who out there is ready to live the life of their dreams? Who out there is ready to take an area of their life and really transform it, so much so that you yourself become unrecognizable, the entire process becomes unrecognizable. We're going to dive into that a bit over the next several sessions, I should say, or the next several podcasts, with this series called Life is an Illusion.

Tara Mychelle:

I was recently introduced to this book, really cool book, called Happy Pocket Full of Money. A dear friend of mine referred it to me and we were talking about finances and wealth and things. She's like I think you'd like this book, check it out. So I was like cool and I thought, okay, I'll listen to it. You know I've listened to a lot of books about money and wealth building but you know I always, I always highly regard anything that this person refers to me and so or shares with me. And so I was like, all right, I'm gonna check it out, check it out. And there I'm thinking it's going to be all about money, money, money, money, right, and it's not. It's all about quantum physics and the quantum realm and how to create and manifest. And I was like, oh yeah, this is juicy, this is right up my alley, a really good book, and so I'll repeat it again. It's called Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gukandi. Okay, I believe I'm saying that. Right, and there was this phrase. There was a phrase in the book that really struck a chord with me, and it was when he said the narrator, he was reading the your life outside is images of your mind expressed. I'll let that sink in a second.

Tara Mychelle:

When I heard that, it was like it just hit me right in the solar plexus like whoa, my life is images of my mind being expressed, my mind being my thoughts. So what are my thoughts? What are the thoughts I'm having? What are my thoughts right now? What were my thoughts a week ago? My thoughts a week ago? It's all being expressed in front of me right now, if you're living and standing in the quantum realm, consider that anything is possible at any given time all the time, like multi-dimensions are happening all the time. That's a whole nother topic, right.

Tara Mychelle:

But to get back on topic where I love talking about life is happening for you, because it really is happening for you and life is constantly showing up, right, life just keeps going. It just keeps going. It just keeps going. Like you can go to sleep and life keeps happening. You could take a week off of work and nothing changes. Life just keeps going, right, but life is happening for you and I want to talk about and dive in over the next several episodes of life is an illusion and are you ready to live the illusion of your dreams? Are you ready to live the illusion of your dreams? How committed are you to living the illusion of your dreams? That's what I want to talk about and I want you to consider when you look at all areas of your life and you may love your life, right, like I really love my life.

Tara Mychelle:

I love my life. I have a great life. I have an amazing son. I have created a really successful and profitable career. It's been lucrative. It's provided us so many wonderful things, that things we can do. You know our home that we live in, food on the table, clothes on our back you know it has provided many wonderful things. You know, when I look at my life, I've got wonderful friends, family, community, all the things right, all the things.

Tara Mychelle:

But every now and then I will recognize that there are areas in my life that I would like to tweak and see a little better. You know one, specifically romance. Another one wealth creating investments. Like I've always wanted to have a multitude of real estate investments. That's another one. Wanted to have a multitude of real estate investments. That's another one, you know, and that might be one that I will dive in on in this series. Maybe I'll play that game, because that's one that is really worth playing to me. And I encourage all of you to take a look at the areas of your life, whether it be spirituality or love and romance, or finances, or parenting, you know, your, your kids, uh, vacations. Take a look at all the areas of your life and choose one that you'd like to tweak and actually have an upgrade. Like, let's go for an upgrade. Yeah, let's do the upgrade. Hey, super down for the upgrades. I don't want to say I'm super down, super up for the upgrades, upgrades.

Tara Mychelle:

You know, when I take on, or when I heard the phrase life is images of the mind expressed, I really took that on like geez. You know, really, anything that's happening in my life right now, anything that's going on circumstantially, is clearly and solely a result of my thoughts, and the thoughts that I've had an hour ago, a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, five years ago, a decade ago. That's how powerful we are, that's how powerful you are. That goes back to life is happening for you, not to you, and will you allow life to use you, chew you up and spit you out, or will you take your life, your illusion, and use it to the fullest, Use it to the level of increasing its potential?

Tara Mychelle:

I want to take this on right now over the next I think we'll probably do like four episodes because I want to give you tips and suggestions and I want to share with you some of the things that I've done over the last several months to really start playing at a new level with manifesting. And I'll share some books that I've, that I've read, some books that were gifted to me that really made a huge difference during the time that I was going through the layoff which, if you go back to episode one when I was in the gap, you know in that space of layoff how I used those tools of manifestation. But I want to go through that in the next four episodes. But first I want you to take a look at an area of life, because I want you to play with me Now.

Tara Mychelle:

The other thing I want to say is it's a really interesting time in history right now. Is it not Like, is it not? Oh, my God, you guys, seriously, the world is. I don't even know what to say. It's like, it's wild out there. But here's what I will say how do I, how do I say this Cause? I really want to dive into this. I really want you to get that you are the architect of your life. I also want you to get are the architect of your life. I also want you to get the depth and the level of programming that is constantly forced down our throats, whether it's on our phones, whether it's through social media, whether it's through the TV, whether it's through billboards that you drive by every day.

Tara Mychelle:

Because here's the other thing when you're driving down the highway, you're actually in a hypnotic state while you're driving down the highway. Did you know that? And that's why there's billboards? Because your brain waves are at a certain level to where anything that your brain sees, okay, you don't even have to look at it. If it's in the view of your eyeballs, that message goes into the brain, it creates a neural pathway, okay, and it begins to program you.

Tara Mychelle:

I even had this epiphany one day where I looked around and I was like there's nowhere that I can go or stand or be where something is not trying to tell me to do, to buy or to be something. There's nothing. Hey, there's a freeway here in Austin, highway 360. They're not allowed to put any billboards out there. It's really beautiful. You can drive and not have any advertisements. It's so lovely, except for the buildings that might, you know, like stores that are alongside there. But it's lovely to drive down a highway and not have billboards telling you this, buy this, look at that, call this number. It's like, constantly, like we are drinking from the fire hose.

Tara Mychelle:

24, seven of an illusion that is designed and created by others. Okay, the world you live in. I keep hearing that song by Smashing Pumpkins the world is a vampire. Okay, I'm like that's a really good line to this topic, cause it's just sucking. It's like it's like sucking the energy out of you. Okay, I'll, I'm digressing, so I'm going to stop doing that.

Tara Mychelle:

But at every second of the day, something is popping in front of you telling you to buy, be, do or have, have. That's programming. That's mind control. That's a whole nother level that, when you allow yourself to get present to it being all around you 24, seven. You got to one. Ask yourself the world that you're looking at the illusion. Look outside of you, look at the cars, look at the people walking by, look at the circumstances, look at the situations that are occurring in your life, all the things that you're seeing, you know. Are you the person that sees all the crazy stuff that happens, you know, randomly out in the world? I'm not one of those people, but that's because I totally unplug from the news. I don't watch news. I think news is crazy. It's not that I don't want to know what's happening in the world. It's not that I don't want to be present to the bigger scope of things, which I do go and get the information for there, but I do not watch local news. God, no, you would be terrified to step outside your door. This is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about programming, and when you continually watch that level of programming, any level of programming guess what the illusion outside of you becomes that programming.

Tara Mychelle:

So, over the next four episodes, I want all of us to play this game of taking control back of the illusion and we're not going to be used by the illusion when, in fact, we will use the illusion to elevate and escalate the illusion of our dreams. You want more love in your life. You can have it. You want more peace in your life. Hey, moms I know moms out there we want more peace in our lives. The amount of chaos, clutter, drama, responsibilities, to-do lists that live in our brain is mind-blowing, and I want you to get that too. Like, get who you are, that you can manage chaos, drama, to-do lists, arguing bills, grocery lists, clothing lists, family matters, partner matters, kid matters. You manage all of that your career, your hobbies, your health and wellbeing 24-7, 24-7. The mind is like going right, we could use more peace in our world.

Tara Mychelle:

So how do you create that? How do you unplug from the current circumstances that may be occurring in your life and plug into a new illusion, that I should say an upgraded version of those circumstances, such that they are in a space of how do I say it? They're in a space of something that you desire, something that you want to see, something that you want to feel. What do you feel? What do you want to desire? What do you desire in your life? So take an area of your life, because we're going to dive deep and I want to talk about the ways that you can transform this illusion that we're living in. You get to manifest and have the illusion of your dreams in all areas of your life. You get to say how your life shows up for you. You are not at the effect of your life, and if you are, then you need to listen to the next four episodes.

Tara Mychelle:

These next four episodes are for those of you who are at the effect of any area of your life that's not working, any area where you see patterns of you know same behaviors of certain people, or same behaviors within yourself, same behaviors of certain people, or same behaviors within yourself, same behaviors in of a situation. You know it's just like man, I just can't get off that merry-go-round, or man I just can't, I can't change. You know the health and fitness pattern, or I just can't seem to change my relationship situation. I just can't seem to change how the kids show up and how they treat me. Whatever it is, whatever it is, I want to tell you that it's possible to shift, change and transform that illusion such that you are feeling peace, freedom, ease and having fun. That is what's possible. So I just want to say thank you for tuning in as we dive into.

Tara Mychelle:

Life is an illusion. We get to create and manifest the illusion of our dreams and I want those of you listening take a look, take a step back, take an area of your life, come back to the next episode and let's explore and let's play. But first I want you to recognize, I want you just to observe the illusion in which you're living in. What does it look like? What does your day-to-day look like? What does it feel like like? What is your day-to-day look like? What does it feel like? Is it everything you desired? And if it's not, let's pick the one thing that would most like. That would. That would, what's the one thing that would have you feel so beyond elated that you were living a life of bliss. If that one thing changed, what would that be? And I really want you to dive in and take a look at what is it that's happening in that area, what are the patterns, who are the people, who are you as a result of it, how do you feel as a result of it? And we will dive deep in the next four episodes.

Tara Mychelle:

So also I want to throw this out there to any of the listeners out there I am offering a complimentary discovery session with me in exchange for a review of your experience of it and the show. I want to offer that to all of the viewers, especially during this process. I'm going to leave a link in the show notes so that you can reach out to me and schedule that. And it's completely free, costs you nothing. It's an opportunity to work with me. I will use the modalities that I offer, both energetically, but also just my mentoring skills that I offer both energetically but also just my mentoring skills, and we'll take a look at how life is happening for you and shift any paradigms that we may need to shift or, you know, shift some perspectives for you. But I'm looking forward to working with some of you.

Tara Mychelle:

So in the meantime, on the next episode, we are going to dive into the first tip, but is really when you trust, know and believe in the process and being open and willing to have the courage and the power to manifest the life and the illusion of your dreams.

Tara Mychelle:

So we're going to dive into that on the next episode. I just want to say thank you so much, but until next time, two Sundays from now every other Sunday I post on Sunday mornings I look forward to being with all of you. Come back with that area of life that you want to take a look at and let's talk a little bit more about trusting, knowing and believing in the process, having the courage and the power to manifest the illusion of our dreams. Let's do it. Have a great night or day, wherever you are. Have a great one. Talk with you soon. Thank you for coming on this healing adventure today. If you're starting to see how everything is falling into place for you, consider rating the show and sharing it with one of your friends. Keep that spirit alive and join me next week. Same place, same time. Have a great week.