Intuitive Mentor Mom: Strategies for Life Empowerment, Self Love and Gratitude for Single Moms

6: Finding The Evidence Of Love - It's All Around You (Tara Mychelle) Episode 6

I love this topic of Finding the Evidence of Love, it really is all around you in all forms from nature, to gestures, to friendships, our children, our co-workers, partners, pets, and even random people in the wild; you name it, LOVE is continually unfolding right in front of our eyes. When we become wildly present to it, our lives enter a perpetual state of flow and miracles begin to actualize in front of you. Miracles are also happening daily, yet, again, we get swept up in the mundane of life and forget to smell the roses of love and we forget how magical life can really be. Join me on this topic today! 

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